CEO Y’ello Manager Award Event 2013

Welcome Address by Amina Oyagbola, Human Resources Executive, at the CEO Y’ello Manager Award Event, Held on Friday, September 13, 2013 at the Oriental Hotel, Lagos

Good evening all.

On behalf of the CEO and members of the Executive Committee, I am delighted to welcome you to the second edition of the annual CEO Y’ello Manager Award event.

Following the re-launch of the MTNN People Management Framework in 2010, the MTN CEO Y’ello Manager Award was introduced in 2011, to reinforce our commitment to engendering a culture of best-in-class people management practices across MTN.

In 2012, we celebrated the very first set of outstanding people managers to emerge as Y’ello Managers and today our 2012 Y’ello Managers, are proof that we are making significant strides toward instituting a culture of world-class people management practices. We are pleased to see that this initiative continues to thrive in MTN and a fresh set of inspiring, exemplary leaders has emerged!

Indeed, bold and inspiring leadership is at the very heart of the Leadership Brand pillar of the MTN Deal – our unique Employee Value Proposition (EVP). This demonstrates the value we place on building exceptional leadership that harnesses and unleashes the full potential of our people. Yes our people – that means all of you gathered here and every single employee across the organisation. You are the reason why we continue to deploy various development interventions in line with our commitment to embed people management as a core organisational practice and culture and our recent accreditation as Nigeria’s first IIP certified company gives renewed impetus to this commitment.

Our CEO as champion of this strategic people management initiative gives impetus also to efforts such as tonight’s event through his enthusiastic and invaluable support and it is my pleasure to invite him to make a few opening remarks.

Once again, we thank you for honouring our invitation and hope that you have a splendid evening.

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