News/ Press

Inspirery Interview with WISCAR Founder

Amina Oyagbola is a Nigerian businesswoman with a reputation of integrity and empowerment. Born in Lagos in 1961, Amina spent her formative years traveling with her diplomatic family. She completed her primary education in the U.K. After that, she attended Ahmadu Bello University in Nigeria, where …

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The Upcoming West African Conference Hosted by the Talent Agenda Series

Founder of Women in Successful Careers, Amina Oyagbola is proud to announce that she will be a guest speaker in the upcoming June 25th and 26th Talent Agenda Series West Africa Conference located in Lagos, Nigeria. The workshop will be aimed at helping delegates from various industries recognize  …

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How to Empower Nigerian Women to Seek and Obtain Leadership Roles

In the dictionary, the terms “participating” and “parity” are in close proximity. However, in reality the conceptual distance between them is enormous — as the situation on Nigeria’s workplace landscape vividly illustrates. Over the years, there has been a gradual increase in the number of Nigerian …

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Why Nigeria Needs More Women in Government

Despite the fact that women comprise nearly half of Nigeria’s approximately 203,500,000 population, they are vastly underrepresented in the country’s government — and the latest round of elections in February 2019 did nothing to kick this unfortunate trend. In fact, it was the worst showing for Nigerian …

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WISCAR Founder Honoured with the HR People Magazine’s Lifetime Achievement Award

The HR People Magazine Awards are a celebration of excellence in the HR profession by individuals that have excelled in various organizations. Amina Oyagbola, Managing Consultant of AKMS Consulting Ltd and founder of WISCAR (Women in Successful Careers), was honored recently with the ‘HR …

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Key Pillars of Educating Nigeria’s Next Generation

There is plenty for Nigerians to feel positive and proud about. For example, the country is blessed with an abundance of natural resources, features some of the world’s most breathtaking natural beauty, and enjoys a booming entrepreneurial sector. And of course, there is Nigeria’s intensely beloved three …

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IdeaMensch Interview

Opening my own consulting firm just seemed to be the most natural transition for me. Consulting is a fantastic way for me to put all of my knowledge and experience together to help organizations to solve problems and grow. It helps me to keep my skills sharp while also contributing to the business …

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3 of Nigeria’s Leading Female Change Agents

Nigeria has always cultivated dynamic, bold and inspirational female leaders and Nigerians have ample reason to be proud of the female change agents of the past. Nigeria has just as much reason to be excited and emboldened by the female change agents of today who are shaping the present, and paving …

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Solutions to Achieving Diversity & Inclusion in Workplace

Going for mentorship programmes, having the right support system, self-awareness and understanding strengths and weakness are among the solutions outlined by women experts in tackling workplace problems and ensuring diversity and inclusion at the Women in Successful Careers (WISCAR) talk …

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Key Factors Impacting the Future of Nigeria’s Workforce

Philanthropist and global business leader Amina Oyagbola believes that the current state of Nigeria’s workforce must undergo important changes and shifts in the near-term, in order to be prepared for the needs and goals of the long-term. According to Amina Oyagbola, who is the Founder and Chairperson …

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Amina Oyagbola Honored with the HR People Magazine’s ‘Lifetime Achievement’ Award

Amina Oyagbola, managing consultant of AKMS Consulting Ltd and founder of WISCAR (Women in Successful Careers), was honored last night with the ‘HR People Magazine’s Lifetime Achievement Award’ for her contributions to the development of Human Resources within Nigeria. Amina …

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Supporting Nigeria’s Women Entrepreneurs

Nigeria’s working women are being held back by poor legal protection and limited access to resources. For too long, women have been excluded, discriminated against, marginalized, and underrepresented in government policies and programs in Nigeria, and founder of “Women in Successful Careers” …

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Youth Movement: Promoting the Success of Women

For visionary change agents who firmly believe that Nigeria’s best days lie ahead and not behind, it is widely accepted — in fact, it is axiomatic — that the country’s leadership in both the government and the business community must work together to achieve gender equality; not just because it is morally…

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How to Close the Gender Gap in Nigeria

According to the Global Gender Gap Report, 2018, Nigeria ranked 133rd out of 149 countries in closing the gender gap. Philanthropist, entrepreneur, and founder of Women in Successful Careers, Amina Oyagbola believes that Nigeria must make significant efforts to close the gender gap, sharing her …

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The Vision and Impact of WISCAR

In a world where the non-stop news cycle continuously churns out one negative news story after another, it is important to reflect on positive developments such as Amina Oyagbola and WISCAR (Women in Successful Careers) success as a change agent in Africa.Founded in 2008 by philanthropist and …

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WISCAR’s Ground-Breaking #IAMAPOWERWOMAN Social Media Campaign

Social media has the potential to enlighten, educate and inspire, or to diminish, degrade, and damage. One of the most potent examples of how social media can bring out the very best in humanity and elevate both the level of consciousness and the level of dialogue is revealed by shining a spotlight on …

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The Value of Women in the Workplace

Women form a crucial part of the business world in the United States. According to a national survey commissioned by American Express, women-owned businesses (those with 51 percent or greater female ownership and control) number 11.6 million as of 2017. Over the 20 years from 1997 to 2017, the …

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How Entrepreneurs Drive the Economy

Around the world, entrepreneurs help to drive the engines of the economy. Entrepreneurs use their fresh, new ideas as springboards to financial success. When entrepreneurs start a business, they have the advantage of starting out without any preconceptions or demands placed on them. They experience …

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The Value of Mentorship From Entrepreneurs

Mentorship is crucial for all business owners, but it is doubly important for entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs take on many more risks than other business owners and need innovative solutions to the problems of running a company. For new and existing entrepreneurs alike, it is vital to engage with a mentor …

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