Remarks for Muson School of Music Concert 2006

Remarks By Mrs. Amina Oyagbola, Executive Director, Mtn Foundation At The Mtn Foundation-Muson Music  Scholars Appreciation Concert At The Agip Recital Hall, Muson Centre, On Friday, 15th December, 2006

The Honourable Commissioner of Education Lagos State, Mrs. Sarah Sosan

The Chairman of the Musical Society of Nigeria, Chief Adeniyi Williams

Members of the MUSON Board of Trustees,

Members of the MUSON Board of Governors,

Chairman & Members of the MUSON School Committee,

Director of the MUSON School of Music,

Directors of MTN Nigeria,

Chairman of the MTN Foundation

Directors of the MTN Foundation,

Executives of MTN Nigeria,

General & Senior Managers of MTN Nigeria,

Staff of MTN Nigeria,

Gentlemen of the Press,

Talented Musical Scholars,

Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,

I have had a most splendid evening and I applaud an impressive outing by the MTN Foundation-MUSON Music Scholars. I applaud the hours of dedicated practice by both teachers and students towards the success of this event along with the energy, ehthusiasm and passion that we have just witnessed. And most of all, I applaud the traits of hard work, self-discipline and commitment that have been displayed by our scholars and which will stand them in good stead for the future that they are working towards.

The MTN Foundation and the MUSON School of Music partnership reflects opportunity, investment and excellence. It was conceived to present talented students from less privileged backgrounds with the opportunity to acquire a qualitative music education here in Nigeria. This translated to full scholarships for a MUSON diploma in Music for a total of 220 students over a 5-year period. By this same token, the MTN Foundation is investing not only in young lives that are full of potential but is actually also investing in its conviction that the quality of life in Nigeria can be improved by strategic and sustained social responsibility projects such as this one. And ultimately, the results of the opportunity these scholars have been given and the investments that have been made will be musical excellence far beyond what any of us gathered here could have imagined. I am confident of this because history and experience have shown that excellence and success will follow opportunity, investment and hard work as surely as night follows day.

One day soon, everyone who attended this event will witness or hear of great musical hits by these same scholars that we have gathered to see perform today. And you scholars, will watch yourselves become men and women of great musical repute who will distinguish yourselves in musical and indeed other human endeavours. On this note, I urge you to keep this vision in view as you continue to pursue your aspirations in the field of music and other fields. I also encourage the music teachers here at the MUSON School of music to do the same as they commit many hours of music lessons to training these talented youth. The MTN Foundation on its part will certainly always keep its vision of a nation of good health, qualitative education and economic viability in view because this is the starting point that has birthed all our projects and which keeps them going from strength to strength.

Thank you scholars for this beautiful thank-you gift to the MTN Foundation in appreciation of the scholarships you have received. I thank the teachers of the MUSON School of music for putting this concert together and also thank the board of trustees of MUSON for their commitment to the impressive record that MUSON has maintained over the years. And finally I thank everyone for committing their precious time to today’s event.

May you experience a joyous Christmas season and a New Year filled with life’s many blessings

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