Launch Of The Mtn Foundation Partners’ Network 2007


The indefatigable chairman of the MTN Foundation,

Gentlemen and ladies of the Press,

Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,

Good morning and welcome to this landmark event in the history of Nigeria’s civil society. Certainly, the launch of the MTN Foundation partners’ network qualifies as a landmark event because for the first time in Nigeria, a corporate organisation – MTN, has assembled high performing small and medium enterprises with the aim of improving their collective performance through a comprehensive capacity building programme.

Today, as we launch this unique initiative, it is with the consciousness that we have set a powerful force in motion. This is because the partner network represents a valuable group of twenty-six (26) organisations with the collective interest and commitment to promoting policies and programmes leading to sustainable and highly beneficial projects across 28 states of the Federation and the Federal Capital Territory. In sum, the aims of the network are:

  • To promote experience-sharing and best practices amongst participating MTNF partners
  • To provide opportunity for linkages with other NGO networks towards adopting best practices in NGO management in Nigeria

The impetus behind the launch of this network stems from the belief that the individual partner organisations are strong catalysts for positive change and development in their respective areas of focus and that the synergy from this partnership will indeed result in a greater, more enhanced impact. Thus serving to achieve the strategic mission of the MTN Foundation to partner with “private, public and civil society organisations to execute sustainable projects in three focus areas.

Indeed, the MTN Foundation is today, a prominent part of the Nigerian civil society which plays a crucial role of promoting sustainable development, peace, justice, economic and social progress as well as other important components for a prosperous society. Through our focused intervention in the crucial areas of health, education and economic empowerment, we have empowered and continue to empower individuals, communities and the nation. This is because maintaining individual and corporate wellness; providing profound learning experiences and imparting knowledge which increase life chances; and contributing to the creation of wealth for oneself and family, are key factors that will ensure a flourishing and economically viable nation.

I commend our key implementing partner in this initiative – Development Alternatives and Resource Centre (DARC) for lending themselves to this worthy cause and providing invaluable support and resources to get this project off the ground. Their role is not surprising, given their track record in strengthening the capacity of Nigerian NGOs and thereby increasing their value addition to the society. Indeed, before now, a partnership had long existed between the MTN Foundation and DARC because of the Foundation’s commitment to the issue of sustainability in all its projects. We believe that projects must be sustainable in order to bring real and lasting change to people’s lives and the economy. Thus our existing partnership with DARC has been instrumental in providing training to our partner organisations in the form of further information, know-how, links and access to opportunities which have sharpened their ability to remain high-performers in their focus areas. By formally launching a partner network, we will further harness skills, know-how, resources, and links which will double the results that have been recorded thus far.

I also commend the media for their continued partnership with the MTN Foundation in support of our various initiatives.

As we continue the activities today which will symbolize the formal launch of the MTN Foundation partner network, I am filled with a great sense of excitement and elation at the potential which will be further unleashed through this dynamic partnership, and the implications for the communities of which we are a part.

I welcome you all and thank you for being part of this significant event.

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