“What Can We Do Together” Nominators’ Appreciation party 2016

Remarks by Amina Oyagbola, Human Resources and Corporate Services Executive, MTN Nigeria, at the “What Can We Do Together” Nominators’ Appreciation party and launch of Phase 2 holding at the Transcorp Hilton, Abuja, on Wednesday, May 11 2016.


Good evening distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,

I trust you must have enjoyed watching the documentary.

Let me join Nonny and the Chairman in congratulating our nominators for taking that step to make an impact by partnering with MTN to bring sustainable, socio-economic development to your various communities.

Through your efforts, many communities have now come alive with the provision of boreholes and drinking water; businesses are now growing again, thanks to the installation of electricity transformers, and students in schools are definitely smiling as they learn in a more conducive atmosphere every day.

Undoubtedly, MTN and the MTN Foundation will also remain committed to upholding the principles of good and responsible corporate citizenship. Through our operations, our investments and our business activities, we will continue to add value to the society through projects such as these, as well as other corporate social investment initiatives that stimulate economic development, empower the people and enrich lives.

Indeed, we are set to enrich more lives and create more smiles today as we launch the second phase of the What Can We Do Together initiative.

Under this phase, the MTN Foundation is once more calling on Nigerians to nominate communities that are in need, to benefit from one of the following projects:

  1. Procurement, installation and commissioning of 500 KVA electricity transformers.
  2. Construction and commissioning of water boreholes with a 500-litre overhead tank and 10 KVA Generator.
  3. Supply of student desks & benches, and teachers’ chairs and tables at public secondary/primary schools.
  4. Provision of medical equipment and consumables such as hospital beds, Blood Pressure apparatus, weighing scales, consumables etc. to primary health care centres.

To nominate your community today simply text: MTN Foundation to 321. SMS is FREE! You can also visit our website at www.mtnonline.com/mtnfoundation to find out more.

Don’t forget that a total of 200 communities will be selected after screening and verification by the Foundation. Winners will be publicly announced in newspapers and online.

In conclusion, let me end my remarks by sharing a very popular quote that says: “There are three types of people in this world: those who make things happen, those who watch things happen and those who wonder what happened.”

Today, you have a chance to be part of the first set of people and make things happen for your community, by partnering with the MTN Foundation to answer this question:

What Can We Do Together?

Thank you for listening and do have a good evening!



















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